SET launched its Esports team in early 2019 to widen its racing programmes in the rapidly growing world of sim racing.

Following the company’s roots, SET’s main focus is in virtual rallycross. In only its first year of existence the team won iRacing’s Rallycross World Championship title with Sami-Matti Trogen.

The 2020 team consists of five drivers, including DiRT 2.0 Rallycross World Champion Killian Dall’olmo, Digital Rallycross Finnish Champion Tommi Hallman, KRX Rallycross Champion Jonne Ollikainen, KRX Rallycross runner-up Rasmus Tuominen and Klara Andersson.

All SET Esports drivers also compete in real-world rallycross, making the team unique in its field.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any marketing or commercial opportunities around our team, drivers or racing simulators.

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